Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hand Care or Manicure Tips

Hand Care or Manicure Tips

A good impression is always assured when you have well groomed nails. Nail growth is sometimes a struggle. Here are some handy tips to acquiring healthy and beautiful nails quickly.


Salt and boiled water.
Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle cream from Burt.
Manicure set.
Soft gel capsules of Vitamin E.
Nail polish called ‘Hard as a Nail’ from Sally Hansen.

Do not chip or bite your nails. The overall unattractive appearance and slow growth of your nails could be due to this habit. Additionally chipping your nails could cause them to break.

Prepare a bath of salt water for the nails. Daily or every other day at bedtime, prepares a bath of salt water to immerse your nails. Pour in 2 tsp of salt into boiled water, stir and immerse your hands when water is lukewarm. Salt provides nourishment for nails strengthens and speeds up growth.

When you have immersed your hands in the salt water for ten or fifteen minutes, take out your manicure set. Remove the cuticles. Take care that you don’t cut in to the bed of your nail. Use a nail buffer to remove any unevenness and buff the rest of the cuticle. A nail file can be used to either round or square the shape of your nails.

When you have completed this procedure, make an application of Burt’s Bees Butter Lemon Cuticle Cream. A great product, this provides nourishment to the nails. You must be sure to massage and rub the cream in to the nails for a little while, which aids in the rapid growth of nails. Break open a soft gel capsule of Vitamin E, apply the oil into your nails and massage in.

Keep a nail file and buffer in your handbag to use in case you chip or break a nail so that you can prevent further peeling or breaking. After hand washing always dry the hands. Wet hands allowed to dry on their own will cause your nails to dehydrate and result in peeling.

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Foot Care or Padicure Tips

Foot Care or Padicure Tips

Most of us take care of our face but the feet is the most ignored part of the body. In fact the legs bear the whole weight of the body. So we should include foot care in our daily routine. Here are some ways, we can take care of our feet naturally.

1.) Soak feet in a large basin or bowl to which warm water and mineral salt is added for about 10 minutes. You can even place pebbles in the large bowl and roll your feet back and forth giving slight pressure as it gives a massaging effect. Scrub using pumice stone to remove dead skin. Wash your feet well, then pat it dry and massage with a moisturizing cream.
You can even add juice of one lemon and a few neem leaves to the water as neem has antiseptic qualities. Rose petals can be added to the water. You can even add 2 drops of lavender essential oil to the water to have a spa effect at home.

2.) Natural remedy for treating cracked feet:
Wash your feet well and apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly at night and slip a pair of cotton socks and go to sleep. In a few weeks, your feet will become soft.
Mix lime juice, castor oil, rose water and apply it after cleaning your feet.
Olive oil can be applied regularly to have a soft feet.
Neem paste mixed with turmeric powder can be used to treat cracked feet, though it is very messy.
Lemon rind can be rubbed daily .Wash it off after 15 minutes.
.) Walking is best exercise for your legs. Go for brisk walk at least 5 days a week.

4.) Another exercise for your feet: Hold your ankles with your hand and rotate clockwise and anticlockwise. Do this for both the legs.
Also rotate each toes with your fingers.
Bend the toes forward and backwards.
Point your toes downwards as far as possible then flex them as high as possible. Do this for both the legs.
Exercise will improve blood circulation to your feet.

5.) Hot (bearable) and cold treatment also improves blood circulation. Soak feet in hot water first, and then in cold water. Do this for 5-10 minutes. End with cold water .

6.) Avoid heels as far as possible.

7.) Buy good fitting shoes which is comfortable for you.

8.) Waxing your legs is a better option than shaving. But if you have to shave, use lot of moisturizer to avoid razor rashes.
9.) Take a few minutes to massage your legs with coconut oil or olive oil everyday before bath.
10.) Natural Homemade scrub for lovely legs: Squeeze juice of one fresh lemon and mix it with a little sugar and scrub gently.

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Herbal Facial

Face Packs for Summer

It is often seen that skin care products we purchase from the market results in lots of side effects. So it is always better to use either homemade beauty recipes or herbal products for skin care. Facial masks offer the best protection in fighting against skin disorders.

Some Useful Homemade Facial Masks for Summer.

1. Avocado Facial Mask- Mash half an avocado and apply it on the face thoroughly everywhere and let it stay till it dries up completely and then wash it off with cold water.
2. Cucumber Yogurt Facial Mask- Make a puree of ½ a cucumber and 1 tablespoon yogurt in a blender and apply it on the face evenly. Leave it on the face for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.
3. Banana Honey Yogurt Facial Mask- Mash a banana thoroughly and mix it with 1 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoons yogurt and apply it on the face evenly. Leave it on the face till the skin absorbs.
4. Egg Almond Facial Mask- This is very good for dry skin. Beat 1 egg and add 1 teaspoon of almond oil to it and mix it thoroughly and apply it on the face evenly and leave it on for around 10-15 minutes. Rinse it off after that with cold water.
5. Cornmeal Facial Mask- Take enough cornmeal which will be required for the face and mix it water and make a thick tight paste and apply it in circular motions to the face and then leave it on for 10-15 minutes.
Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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Facial Treatement

Facial Treatement

It is a fact that not everyone knows how to take good care of their skin. Knowing as well as maintaining the essential needs of the skin are very important in keeping the skin looking healthy and beautiful. Probably the best way to keep your skin healthy and young-looking is to provide it with a top skin care regimen or system. With a skin care regimen that can efficiently and sufficiently protect the function and structure of your skin, you are sure to have an even more beautiful and radiant skin.
Basic and advanced total skin care
It is said that the essential regimen for keeping the skin healthy and beautiful is generally divided into two categories: the basic and the advanced skin care needs. The basic skin care needs cover the daily and minimal skin care system that a person with any type of skin can practice. Meanwhile, the advance needs are the methods that address specific skin problems or concerns. These advanced skin care methods are oftentimes associated with other forms of treatments.
Basic skin care
The basic skin care needs are regarded as the foundation of a daily skin care regimen. This type of skin care system covers four steps that include hydrating, toning, cleansing, and protecting.

1. Hydrate
Having the skin well-moisturized is very important as this keeps it from becoming dry. Hydrating also provides the skin with vital lipids, thus, maintaining moisture. Skin specialists often recommend the practice of nighttime hydration once every night.

2. Cleansing
This basic skin necessity keeps the skin free from pollutant, dirt, as well as excess oil. When a person fails to regularly cleanse his face, he or she is sure to experience inflamed and clogged pores and dull skin.

3. Tone
Toning is an essential basic skin requirement, for it prepares the skin from the benefits brought by the skin care products that are applied on the face. To get more efficient results, toning skin care products are applied twice a day right after cleansing. Apart from soothing and calming the skin, toning also balances skin pH and lessens pore appearance.

4. Protect
The skin also needs protection from the dangerous rays of the sun and other harmful environmental stressors. A morning dose of moisturizer with SPF can protect the skin from the sun’s UV ray that promotes discoloration and deteriorates the structural proteins of the skin.

Advance skin care
Advance skin care addresses specific concerns like acne, discoloration, free radical damage, and other critical skin care conditions. Below is the advance skin care regimen that one can follow as treatment to different types of skin complications:

1. Treat
This type of advanced skin care comes in when the structures, components, and functions of the skin are compromised, leading to the early occurrence of premature aging.

2. Nourish
Nourishing is an essential form of advanced skin care, for it maintains youthfulness and protects skin health. One can nourish the skin using antioxidants that further prevents premature skin aging and damage.

3. Exfoliate
Exfoliating is very important as this replenishes the skin when it becomes rough and dull. This type of advanced skin care practice helps polish and resurface the skin to maintain a glowing complexion.

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Hair Colors

Coloring Your Hair

Hairstyle-ideas-for-curly-hairIt is very important to choose a hair color that suits you best. Your complexion, skin tone, and the color of your eyes are some of the factors that should be taken into consideration. For example, if you have a cool skin tone you should opt for cool colors and if you have a warm complexion you should wear warm shades.
If you do not wish to experiment too much you can stick to a variation of your hair color. In other words, if you have brown hair you can choose to highlight it with lighter or darker shades of brown. This is also convenient when your hair starts growing out at the roots as it will not be a very different shade.
Hair colors are available in semi-permanent, permanent, single process and deposit only color treatments. You can choose a type based on your particular needs. A temporary color washes out immediately, while a semi-permanent color fades away within six months, thus allowing you to have a longer trial.
A permanent color is long lasting but does fade away and completely disappears as the hair grows out. A semi-permanent hair color is mostly used to cover grey hair and is partly temporary. Single process hair color refers to the coloring process where color is deposited in the hair in one step. A deposit only color treatment is one which dumps the color on the hair.
There are a number of factors you should keep in mind when selecting a hair color. Be sure to do a strand test to check whether the color suits you and that you are not allergic to the dye. If you do not like the color, you can adjust it or change it. You should understand the fundamentals of hair coloring before attempting to color your own hair.
The instructions should be followed. It goes beyond applying a color to your hair. If you are not sure how best to go about dying your hair, it best that you visit a salon and let the professionals take care of it for you.

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Hair Care

Essential Minerals And Vitamins For Hair

Let’s take a look at the vitamins and minerals that will keep your hair looking healthy.
Stimulating hair growth: Calcium, potassium, and magnesium make your hair grow more quickly. Foods rich in calcium include tofu, nuts, milk and dairy products, fish, sesame seeds and beans. Wheat germ, whole grains, soybeans, nuts and green vegetables are rich in magnesium.
Peas, fish, whole grain cereals, meat, and eggs are a great source of manganese. Avocados include both magnesium and manganese. Dates, dry fruits, bananas, yogurt, brown rice and potatoes are rich in potassium. Vitamins that promote hair growth are B5, B6 and B12.
Brewer’s yeast, egg yolks, meat and whole grain cereals have high levels of vitamin B5 and B6. Other sources of vitamin B6 include a variety of vegetables and liver. Fish, milk, eggs and chicken are rich in vitamin B12.
Prevent hair loss: Chromium, iron and iodine help preventing hair loss in both men and women. Iodized salt, kelp, garlic, fish and seaweed have high levels of iodine. Chromium is found in food items like beef, liver, brewer’s yeast and whole wheat bread. Iron rich food items include green vegetables, chicken, liver, fish, dried fruits and whole grains.
Preserving hair color: Copper is an essential mineral in preserving hair structure and color. Food items high in copper include liver, beans, green vegetables, whole grains and mollusks. Biotin and vitamin B5 also help maintain hair color and prevent graying of the hair. Milk, egg yolks, whole grains, liver and rice are rich in these vitamins.
Healthy Scalp: If you want your scalp to be healthy consume foods rich in vitamins A; C and E. Sources of vitamin A include carrots, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, milk, eggs, cheese, fish oil and peaches. Sources of vitamin C include oranges, lemons, tomatoes, strawberries, pineapple, cantaloupe, green vegetables and other citrus fruits. Sources of vitamin E include nuts, beans, Soya, raw seeds, wheat germ oil and green vegetables.
Promotes blood circulation: Foods rich in vitamin B3, like chicken, turkey, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ and fish, promote the circulation of the blood and make the hair grow faster

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Use Of Beauty Products

Use Of Beauty Products

When you think of shopping for cosmetics, skin care or professional beauty services, what first comes to mind? Perhaps, shopping at a department store, a high end cosmetic shop, such as Sephora or luxurious spa for head to toe pampering? If that is your guess, I have a pleasant surprise for you!
As the Girly Girls Beauty Guide, I am excited to share with you cool news about a Pittsburgh grocery store that has re-invented beauty! Giant Eagle, a 74 year old grocery store located throughout Western Pennsylvania, Central & Northern Ohio, Northern West Virginia & Western Maryland, has recently added a newly remodeled and innovative Health/Beauty/Wellness (HBW) Department to select Giant Eagle Stores.
The HBW Department is twice the size of the average health and beauty section of a typical Giant Eagle store. It is fully stocked with quality beauty products, including traditional, premium, natural & organic beauty lines. Hold onto your hats, Girly Girls, because the new HBW department has something for EVERYONE!
The best news of all is that a professional Licensed Esthetician will be on staff to serve as the skin care and beauty expert in the HBW Department. The Esthetician provides professional beauty consultations, demonstrations, advice and education. In addition, the Esthetician will identify the clients skin type to recommend proper treatment protocols, skin care products and cosmetics best suited for their skin type/coloring.
The HBW Department, located in various Giant Eagle Stores, is a very affordable alternative to the traditional specialty stores, especially during our economic downturn. With the holidays just around the corner, now is the time to consider a unique shopping experience to not only meet your beauty needs, but so much more!
This year, instead of spending a fortune on trendy stocking stuffer's, beautiful fragrance or unique feminine gifts, shop at Giant Eagle's new HBW Department and celebrate the "CHING CHING" that will save you a BUNDLE!

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